Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Wells & Glastonbury

Today we went to the Wells Cathedral (top picture). Very Gothic. It has the oldest clock with a dial face. Every quarter hour the knights over the top of the clock would joust. Next we went back to Glastonbury to see the Chalice Well. (second picture) The legend is: Joseph of Arimathea took a chalice containing the sweat and blood of Christ and brought it to Glastonbury and that is why the water runs red. (third picture) OR there is a lot of iron in the water. At the well garden we saw a hippie couple taking pictures but we were not afraid. We left there and started walking up the Tor. It is a huge hill with the remains of St. Michael’s Churchat the top. We got ¾ the way up (bottom picture) and decided to turn around. Then we were passed by the hippies, who then walked all the way to the top. I found out later it was not the witches, goblins and hippies that bothered Cindy; it was the guy in the dress yelling for us to watch out for the police in a Monty Python voice, as he ran through town. We left Glastonbury and drove back to Wells and walked around window-shopping.
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