Monday, May 11, 2009


After we walked around Bath, we returned to the hotel and had Enterprise come pick us up. We rented a Ford Titanium with a very large boot. After installing the GPS, we started our adventure of driving on the left. That ride is worth every penny of admission, so far we have only almost died once; those right turns can be tricky. Driving has become a team-building pastime for us. Eventually, we got out of Bath and made our way to Avebury Circle. We found a pasture of very old stones and very young sheep. After walking around the circle, we made our way to Fairford Royal Air Force Base. We have a very nice room here at a fraction of the cost of a civilian hotel. We went out seeking our first fish and chips. WOW, you get FISH and CHIPS. We are saving Cindy’s for tomorrow night.
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