Sunday, May 31, 2009

Consequentialist Murderer

George Richard Tiller (August 8, 1941 – May 31, 2009) was a doctor and medical director of an abortion clinic in Wichita, Kansas, Women's Health Care Services, one of only three nationwide which would provide an abortion after the 21st week of pregnancy. A baby at 21 weeks of pregnancy is 10 inches long, weighs ¾ pounds, and except for their lungs is fully developed.

Today someone with a consequentialist understanding of ethics decided to murder Doctor Tiller. Believing a greater good would come from the murder of an abortion provider, someone killed him; the ends justify the means. Someone with a virtue approach to ethics believes it would not be just to take someone’s life. A person with a deontological view of ethics would never do such a thing because he would hold the view; "If murder is wrong, it is always wrong."

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