Monday, May 11, 2009

Travel to Bath

Picked up a 2009 RED Camry at the Spokane Airport. We left the house at noon for our trip to the Seattle Airport and our 21:50 flight to London. While driving through the Kittitas Valley we were being passed by another Camry when suddenly the wind blew us into the other lane. We missed the other car but we almost had some hot Camry on Camry action just east of Ellensburg. As we passed the Thorp exit we slowed to 65mph to sync with truck traffic in the right lane. We do this to avoid the frustrations of ‘Seattle Rules” driving. We arrived at Sea-Tac at 16:00. We checked in and got the best seats ever. Cindy got the window and I got the aisle with no one between us. We had a nice supper at Anthony’s at the airport. The flight left on time and we had a very nice flight to London. We got our luggage right away, because I think we checked in sooo early in Seattle that our luggage was on the earlier flight. We flew through customs and went to the National Express counter and bought tickets to Bath. The train trip included a bus ride to Reading and the train went for Reading to Bath. We did not have a seat reservation and could not find a seat on the train. We were able to find little jump seats that were outside the restrooms located between cars. Traveling with us we some young people and a little boy named James. James liked to run around the train and play in the toilet while his mother yelled for his return. We were able to see some scenery while listening to an Irish mother’s cry for ‘James.’ An hour later we were in Bath. All the taxis were full, so we (I) decided we should walk to the hotel. What a beautiful city to walk through. After checking into the hotel, we went out to find dinner. Just around the corner from out hotel was a place called. ‘Ask.’ They had GREAT Italian food. We hoped to find English food but we were hungry. The Italian food was expensive but GREAT. Even the tiramisu was better than we have found in American. We took a stroll around Bath while window-shopping and then went to sleep.

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