Monday, May 18, 2009

Lost Gardens of Heligan

Today we left the dairy farm, home of the best milk ever, and started our trip to Glastonbury. On the way we stopped at the Lost Garden of Heligan. The rain stopped just in time to let us enjoy them. Half way through we stopped at the teagarden and Cindy had her last scone with clotted cream and jam. They had rhododendrons the size of trees. The plant art was very cool. We then started our trip to Glastonbury to visit the Abbey. It was HUGE, until King Henry VIII had it ‘dissolved.’ Dissolution of the Monastery meant hang the Abbott, burn the place down, and take all their valuables. Which was a good thing. Unless you were poor and relied on the Monasteries for food and clothing, then it was not so good. We walked around Glastonbury to find a place to stay but it was full of witches, goblins, and hippies, so Cindy wanted to look elsewhere. We found a nice place down the road. So far it seems to be free of witches and hippies.

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