Friday, May 15, 2009

Salisbury & Tintagel

We left RAF Fairford at 7:00 for our drive to Cornwall. First we stopped at Stonehenge but it was closed. How can you really close Stonehenge? What was closed was the parking lot and visitors center, so we parked at the end of the field near the sheep and walked over and took a picture. We hope to find a field without sheep and take a picture, but so far no luck. We jumped back in the car and headed for Salisbury. There was a river through town with ducks and swans. (top picture) We went to the Cathedral. It was very beautiful inside and out. (second picture) There are graves in the Cathedral, it creepy thinking about going to church there with graves all around. The third picture is the grave of Lord Cheney. We stopped for coffee and a pastry at 10:50 just before a big crowd of people showed up. Next we drove to Tintagel to see King Arthur’s Castle. (bottom picture) It was a nice walk to a beautiful shore line. The castle was kind of let down but still interesting. We decided to get a room and Ye Olde Malthouse. After we unpacked we had a few pints while talking to our new friends Ed, Maureen, James, and Jo. Ed and Maureen were in their 70’s from Australia. James was career Royal Navy and his girlfriend Jo was a lawyer in London. All of them could drink us under the table. We found out from James that ‘elevenzies’ is very popular here. Elevenzies is stopping for tea/coffee and pastries at 11:00am, so we had beat the rush by 10 minutes. After eating and a few more pints with our new friends we went to bed.

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