Thursday, May 21, 2009

Arrive in London

After settling into our hotel, we got dressed for a Thames Dinner Cruise (top picture). We hailed a cab and our evening had started. I told the cab driver, I heard his “Speaker of the House" was in a pickle, that started him into a 15 minute rant that lasted all the way to our destination. I’m not sure I agree with him because I couldn’t understand most of what he said. The cruise was a four-course meal with dancing while we sailed up and down the Thames looking at the sights. After we got back, Cindy noticed we could see Big Ben and the London Eye out of our window, so I took a picture (second picture). Today we went Greenwich. Home of the Meridian. We had to take the tourist picture by standing in the east and west hemispheres at the same time. (bottom two pictures). For lunch we went to Dirty Dick’s and read about the legend of Dirty Dick. A man who dressed very nice but the rest of his life was a filthy mess.

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