Sunday, May 17, 2009

Last Day in Kernow

Today was laundry and horse riding day. When we got up it was pouring rain and blowing wind. We dropped our laundry off and drove to St. Michael’s Mount (top picture). The weather didn’t look good for a boat ride out to the island, so we took a picture and went to 11:00 Mass. I have always been told that all around the world all Catholic’s were attending the same Mass, but it was cool to actually see it. During Mass, the wind slowed and the sun came out. We had lunch and the Engine Inn, and then went horseback riding. It was fun to ride English in England. The horses were called Cobs which they described as heavy mutts. They had a 16 stone maximum weigh, so good thing we weighed 11 and 13.5 stone. After horseback riding we when to the Geever Tin Mine(bottom picture). It was interesting and our underground guide was very entertaining..

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