Friday, March 25, 2016

Anniversary Vacation

Today the plan was to visit the Chartres and its Cathedral. We woke up to rain, so we shared an umbrella to the bus stop on Rue de Rivioli near Saint Paul Church. We took bus #96 to the train station (Gare Montparnasse). We bought tickets to Chartres and 75 minutes later we were there.

It was still raining, so we shared the umbrella again to the Cathedral. It was dark with many beautiful stain glass windows and they were singing gregorian chants while we were there. We walked around town. It had a very medieval feel about the place with very narrow and stone covered streets. We had a café crème so we could use the restroom. After about an hour, we got back on the train to return to Paris.
We decided to walk around the Latin quarter starting with the Arènes de Lutèce, a Roman amphitheater built in the first century. It was kind of neat. 

The Panthéon
Then we walked to the Pantheon, it was a church but is now a mausoleum. We're not into the whole mausoleum thing, so we took pictures of the outside and didn't bother to go in. We walked to the Cluny museum. It had ancient medieval architecture and art to about 1500. We saw Roman baths, and The Lady and the Unicorn tapestry made in the late 15th century.

The Cluny Museum
The Lady and the Unicorn

Because it is Good Friday and we had not really had anything to eat, we decided to call it a day.

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