Saturday, March 19, 2016

Anniversary Vacation II (March 19, the Feast of St. Joseph, Father's Day in Italy)

Our strategy to overcome jet lag is to arrive in Europe tired and no matter how long we may be away during the night, get up at eight. That eight am alarm was rough. It took us over an hour to drag ourselves out of the hotel. We had breakfast at Bar Al Campanile, the bar just down the street.

Breakfast at Bar Al Campanile

We strolled around the San Marco area until the start of the Secret Itinerary Tour of the Doge's Palace started. The tour took an interesting look into the power structure of the palace and the prison. 
The Bridge of Sighs at seen from the Grand Canal

The Grand Canal as seen from the Bridge of Sighs

The meeting hall of the Grand Council is one of the largest rooms in Europe
After lunch, we went to the Basilica of Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari. It has some great art in it also.
We rested over some drinks and then made our way to San Zaccaria another great art Church. Then it was time for a gondola ride. We went under the bridge of sighs and past Casanova's house.

We finished the day at Un Mondo diVino for cicchetti and wine.

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