Saturday, August 27, 2011

Moving to Ft. Collins

Cindy and I helped our daughter move to Ft. Collins. Her husband Stacey had a new job there. We had loaded my motorscooter into the moving van, so we could ride it back to Cheney. Stephanie had Chloe and Athena in her car while Cindy and I had Shannon with us in the moving van. We left Cheney at 0700 on August 12 with a goal of 10 hours to Billings MT. Stephanie left about an hour before us to pick us Alexis, her friend and babysitter. By 0900 we were in Kellogg, ID fueling the moving van. At about noon we got a call from Stephanie that she had a flat tire. We found her on the side of the road 35 miles west of Missoula, MT. I put on the spare and we slowly made our was to Missoula to get new tires. We had lunch there while the very nice people at TireRama replaced her tires. At 1700, we arrived in Butte for more fuel and Starbucks Coffee. We met up with Stephanie at a rest area near Bozeman for a picnic supper. At 2130, we arrived in Billings, MT only 3.5 hours behind schedule.

We left Billings, MT at 0730 with a plan to be in Custer, SD for supper. We got fuel and made our way to Little Bighorn Battlefield.

We had a nice time there and left at 1030 for Mount Rushmore. We arrived at Mt. Rushmore at about 1600. Stephanie had been there for 30 minutes waiting for us. We took some picture at made our way to Custer for supper.

We had a great dinner at Cattleman's. Alexis watched the kids while Cindy, Stephanie and I went to the Bugglin Moose for drinks. We were on the roof and had a great time. It was the last day of the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally, so there were lots of motorcycles around to watch as we talked.

We left Custer at 0700 with a plan to be in Ft. Collins at 1600.

Just south of Custer we saw buffalo on the side of the road. We take some pictures and met Stephanie at the Mammoth Site in Hot Springs, SD
After getting fuel in Orin, WY and Starbucks in Cheyenne we arrived in Ft. Collins just slightly behind schedule. We unloaded the moving van and collapsed in our beds.

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