Friday, June 12, 2009

Scooter Ride

I went on a scooter ride across the Palouse and into northern Idaho. I left Cheney on the Cheney-Spangle Road to Spangle. I took the Old State Road 195 out of Spangle then turned left onto the Spangle-Waverly Road. From Waverly I drove out to State Route 27 and took it south to Tekoa. Just before I got to Tekoa I stopped for a break and took the top picture. I left Tekoa on State Route 274 which took me to the Idaho and US95 to Plummer, Idaho. I turned onto State Route 5 which goes east out of Plummer along Lake Coeur D’Alene to St. Maries. I took the White Pines Scenic Bypass (State Route 3) south then took a right to follow the White Pines Scenic Bypass (State Route 6) in the St. Joe National Forest. It started to rain a little but rain is what makes the trees grow in picture 2. St. Joe claims the largest stand of white pine in the country. As I rode into Harvard, I was feeling a little hungry and saw a sign for the Hoodoo CafĂ©; I had to stop. I had a nice grilled chicken sandwich, talked to a local guy about the sad state of the logging industry. I saw a number of signs in the area which read, “This Family Supported by Timber Dollars.” The White Pines Scenic Bypass stops at Potlatch which has a huge lumber mill. It use to be the biggest in the world. Route 6 takes me back to Washington. I stopped at the border to take the last picture. At the town of Palouse, I took State Route 27 north through Garfield, and Oakesdale. Both are very well kept towns. I hoped on US195 north, exited at Bradshaw Road and to the Cheney-Spangle Road back to where I started. I averaged 36 miles per hour and 64 miles per gallon.
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