Sunday, March 27, 2016

A Need for Feedback

I finished a book by Jon Ronson titled, You've Been Publicly Shamed. In his book he talks about many examples of public shaming and its history. While it can be used for good effect it can also ruin innocent people's lives. With one example from the political right and the rest from the left, he told stories of public shaming. He concluded the book by suggesting it is caused by feedback which amplifies a person's views and lack of charity; positive feedback. Feedback which causes a political "Larsen Effect," a feeding frenzy.

I think negative feedback can include a better understanding of history, reason, economics, civics, and dialogue with people with whom you disagree. While positive feedback can cause a lack of charity on both sides, I see it most often from the left. I believe it occurs because of something I see as unique to the left.

I see the political left not just failing to seek negative feedback, which is common to both sides, but demanding the silencing of negative feedback. Demanding political opponents be silenced. I've observed successful attempts to silence by shouting their opponents into silence, most recently in Chicago ( and demanding Christians be removed from political discourse. Instead of seeking to understand a political opponent, which could temper their lack of charity by understanding, they demand their removal.

While I see posts on my Facebook page that I disagree with from the left and the right, I see four times the level of pure hate and intolerance from the left. I believe this hate comes from a total lack of desire for understanding (negative feedback).

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