Monday, May 11, 2009


I was awake from about 1:30 to 3:30 while Cindy said she was awake longer (jet lag). We got up at 7:30 to start our walking tour of Bath. We started at The Circus, but there were no clowns or ponies. There was a real cool traffic circle lined with 18th century apartments. We walked down Brock Street to the Royal Crescent (top picture at left). It is a half circle of 18th century apartments. The designer John Woods, wanted to have the sun and the moon at each end of Brock Street. As we were walking to Queens Square we so a miniature golf course (2nd picture at left). They sure put a lot of floral thought into their golf courses of here. Next we walked to the Roman Bath. We stopped for breakfast (coffee and a pastry) on the way and saw these funny statues of rabbits. The Roman Baths were build by the Romans in the 1st century and still work, except for a chance of lead poisoning, we could still us them today. Cindy liked it so much I had trouble getting her out of there (4th picture on left.)

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